Increasing Adsense Revenue: Color Choices Matter

There are many tips and tricks around the internet for increasing Adsense publisher revenues. Though the number of visitors a site receives accounts for a large part of its potential earnings, there are other ways to ensure you are getting the most out of the visitors that you receive. One important factor that everyone should be testing is the colour palette of their Adsense ads.

Now, since every website is different, it is impossible to know which combinations will work best with your site, unless you have taken the time to test different colour palettes. Four tests all Adsense publishers should undergo include blending their ads, complimenting their ads, contrasting their ads, and using standard link colours within their ads. Once you find which of these three works best with your site, you can continue to tweak your colour choice until you have found the perfect combination.

Blending Your Adsense

With ads everywhere you turn on the internet these days, it’s no wonder that people have developed ad blindness. Instead of looking at the ads, most people just pass right over most ads, never really noticing them. If you think this might be happening on your site, you may want to consider blending your ads.

Creating a colour palette that blends with your site is simple. First, set the border and background of the ads to the same colour as your website background. Then, set the text and URL of the ads to the same colour you use for the majority of text on your website. Last, use the same colour of your website’s links for the ad’s title area.

Blending your AdSense ads will make your advertisements look more like your website’s content, making it less likely that your visitors pass by them without giving them a second thought. With more people reading your ads, it is more likely that your visitors will find an ad that interests them, increasing your click-through rate, and in turn, your AdSense revenue.

Complementing Your Adsense

On some websites, it can be a problem if the ads are too well blended with the content. This is especially true for sites that contain mostly long, text-filled pages because the average person will skim over the content when they are faced with a lot of words. In cases like these, it can prove beneficial to complement your Adsense ads, instead of blending them into the page.

To make a complementing colour palette for your ads, use the colours already found around your website, but be sure to set the border and background in your ads to a different colour than your website’s actual background colour. This will set your ad apart from the content, helping to draw attention to your Adsense ads while still matching the overall look and feel of your website.

Contrasting Your Adsense

There are also times when contrasting your Adsense ads with the rest of your website’s content will make for the highest click-through rate. This is often the case for websites that use a dark background, but regardless of your website’s background colour, it’s always best to test each option, while deciding which works best with your website.

To create a contrasting colour palette, simply choose colours that stand out from your website’s background. Websites with dark pages should use light or bright-coloured backgrounds and borders in their ads, while light-coloured websites should choose darker colours. It is not mandatory to use your website’s colours within these ads, but you can, should you choose to.

Using Standard Link Colors with Adsense

Another popular way for AdSense publishers to increase their advertising revenue is to use the internet’s default link colour, blue (hexadecimal colour code #0000FF). The idea is, because people associate internet links with this shade of blue, that they will more readily notice the link, and in turn, click on it more often.

The other default link colour you may want to test with your Adsense ads is the internet’s default colour for visited links, purple (hexadecimal colour code #800080). This can also drive an increase in Adsense revenue because most people associate this particular shade of purple with links to pages that they have already visited. Previously visited pages are not often associated with ads, so using the visited link shade of purple can help avoid ad blindness and draw more attention to your ads, leading to more clicks.

A word of caution, however – the default colour palette that Google provides when creating a new ad has nothing to do with the default linking colours that are standard among browsers. Adsense has also been known to change its default colour palette in the past, so it is always best to create a custom palette to ensure your ads show the colours you desire.

As you can see, there are many factors to consider when choosing a colour palette. To find out which one works best for you, it is important to utilize channels in your Adsense account and recommended that you use A/B split testing. Split testing allows you to run two colour palettes simultaneously, making it easy to determine which colours receive the higher click-through rate.

To get the most accurate results, it is also important to leave each test running until you have received a large number of hits. The longer each test is run, the more data you will compile, allowing for a more accurate average to emerge. Testing is a key part of any adsense publisher’s earning success, so be sure to test your colour palettes and start earning more today.

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