All You Need To Know About Oracle HCM 24C Release


Oracle HCM Human Capital Management Cloud is a comprehensive set of Cloud applications that enable an organization to manage its human capital effectively. The current significant update is the Oracle HCM 24C Release which includes a number of novelties and improvements to Oracle HCM modules. Here are 5 key things you should know about the Oracle HCM 24C Release:

1.     Enhanced User Experience

New features highlighted in the 24C Release are even more targeted at enhancing the usability of Oracle HCM Cloud. It brings new features and enhancements to the navigation and visuals of features and tools such as Recruiting, Talent Management, and Workforce Rewards. This includes things like new looking homepages, menu, profile pages and overall appearance and feel of the application. These changes help to achieve a better and more up-to-date interface that is natural for the users of HCM. 

2.     New Talent Management Capabilities

The latest Release extends Oracle Talent Management Cloud functionality to incorporate features that enable organizations to engage in continuous performance management and internal-mobility programs. This affords managers the opportunity to give continual feedback and coaching to employees. It also makes it easier to source from internal talent through the internal talent marketplace especially when one wants to fill a certain position with an employee who has been displaying interest in a different position. These improvements combined to support the formation and training of talents within the company.

3.     Expanded HR Helpdesk

The 24C Release takes Oracle HR Help Desk into the HCM suite under the name of the Employee Services Center, which is a helpdesk system that enables HR teams to manage cases employee-wise, offer self-service tools, generate knowledge base articles, and much more. Integrating this capability can facilitate the more strategic execution of HR operations and enhance the services levels delivered to employees. 

4.     Enhanced Reporting

Through new updates, 24C of Oracle HCM Cloud offers several improved reporting features that organizations can use. Such changes are the new workforce reporting templates, enhanced analytics statistics, and better ways to link to Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence. Reporting enhancements gives greater understanding of the data available with regards to the workforce in order to give better decisions to the management and the HR.

5.     Behind-the-Scenes Infrastructure Improvements

Although they are not dramatic enhancements, Oracle 24C Release also improved some of the behind-the-scenes load balancing, backup handling, and database updates. These ‘under the hood’ platform enhancements provide better stability, performance and data reliability within Oracle HCM Cloud – a better overall feel.

Response times during periods of high usage are decreased by the enhanced load balancing algorithms, which guarantee a more effective distribution of user requests among servers. Improved backup processes now reduce the chance of data loss and provide quicker recovery options. Despite not being immediately apparent to end users, these technological improvements add up to make the HCM Cloud experience more reliable as well as responsive.


Oracle HCM 24C Release helps organizations to better manage their international human capital by improving UX, expanding its possibilities, providing more comprehensive access to the information, and making technical refinements. Oracle Cloud testing, including Oracle 24C, is made easier with Opkey AI-powered No-Code platform and Oracle’s certified partner. It cuts testing timelines by 70% with its 7,000+ pre-built test cases and automatic Impact Analysis. Opkey’s automation features guarantee thorough functionality, security, and performance testing for Oracle Releases, assisting companies in effectively validating updates and optimizing the potential of their Oracle environment.

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